Church of the Holy Spirit (Meronas)

The small white church stands white on the rocks of the mountain that rises west of Meronas, in the so-called “Meroniano Aori”. It is about a 15-minute drive from the village and is accessible via a dirt road. The panoramic view from this point towards the valley of...

Holy Church of Panagia (Smile)

The late Byzantine church of Panagia was the largest one of the nowadays abandoned village of Smile. Although today it is half-ruined, like most of the buildings in the village, it is worth visiting and seeing the fragmentarily preserved frescoes of the 14th century...

Holy Church of Jesus Christ (Voliones)

The single-room arched church is dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Savior and is located surrounded by trees a short distance northeast of the village of Voliones. It dates back to the middle of the 14th century and frescoes of paleologian influence are...

Holy Church of Archangel Michael (Kardaki)

The small cemetery church dedicated to Archangel Michael can be found west of the Kardaki settlement, at a distance of 150m. approximately from its center, in the Astratagos location. This single-aisled church was probably built in the middle of the 13th century and...

Church of the Holy Spirit (Pantanassa)

The Temple is located in a wonderful location, on top of a low and green hill west of the settlement of Pantanassa and at a short distance from it. Around the church, there is a well-kept courtyard area with trees, which offers an unobstructed 360° view of the verdant...
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