Mount Kedros

Mount Kedros
It includes the mountainous mass of Kedros (peak 1776 m), the wider area of Patsos, the Potamos dam, and to the west the gorges of Agia Fotia and Kissos. It is characterized by igneous rocks and low vegetation with bushes and brambles. Rare species are also observed among the plants. Also, large birds of prey find refuge in the small canyons and rocky ravines of the Centre, while there are also indications of the presence of the rare Gypaetus barbatus.
The area of the Potamon and Patsos dams is surrounded by hills and low mountains. The vertical slopes of the two canyons are characterized by rich low flora and are an important habitat for reptiles and birds. Birds of prey such as vultures (Gyps fulvus) breed here, which play an important role in maintaining the area’s ecosystem. At the same time, many migratory bird species spend the winter on the slopes of the canyons, mainly charadriomorphs, herons, and some ostriches