Early Byzantine Basilica of Byzari

Early Byzantine Basilica of Byzari
Another important archaeological site with ruins from Roman times is located west of the village of Vyzari. Between them, the remains of a very large basilica are preserved at a great height. In 1956-1958 Professor K. Kalokyris completed the excavation of the temple. The research established that it is a three-aisled, wooden-roofed basilica, measuring 34 x 17.30 m., with a narthex to the west, while to the east it ends in three semicircular arches, of which the largest middle one preserves the remains of a synthron. The excavator claimed that the basilica was built in the late 8th or early 9th century with materials from another early Christian basilica in second use. However, the evidence suggests that it is a 6th-century building that received subsequent interventions. The basilica seems to have been permanently destroyed by the Arab raids of the 9th century, according to the conclusions of Kalokiris.