Plateau Gious Kambos is located on the western edge of Mount Kedros at an altitude of 750m and can be accessed through the villages Gerakari, Kissos, Spili, or Patsos. According to an imaginative, but unsubstantiated view expressed by Michael Defner (German neo-Hellenicist, archaeologist, and linguist, 1848-1934), the name of the plateau derives its roots from the ancient goddess Eos, goddess of the dawn according to Greek Mythology. According to him, it is about the Plain of Eos.
Although it is a small plateau, Gious Kampos is a very global ecosystem and has even been declared protected. Here, many rare endemic species of orchid grow, while every spring the plateau is plenty with thousands of endemic red Cretan tulips (Tulipa doerfleri). Similar sub-populations of this type of tulip can also be found in other parts of Amari (e.g. in the Kamari location in Kleisidi etc.).
It is worth visiting the plateau in the middle of spring, from the end of March to the end of April, and admiring the unique beauty of the blooming landscape.

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