The Holy Asomaton Monastery, dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangels, is built in the center of the extremely fertile valley of Amari. The current complex has been formed from the end of Venetian rule until the 19th century, while several incompatible interventions were also made during the 20th century when it was turned into an Agricultural School. According to tradition, the monastery was founded during the second Byzantine period, a fact confirmed by the recent archaeological research in its Catholicon. The monastery has been associated with the noble Byzantine family of Varouhas, around the end of Venetian rule. During the conquest of Crete by the Turks, it is mentioned that it was set on fire. Travelers mention its good organization, large property, and educated clergy. Holy vessels, portable icons, books, and gold-embroidered vestments of the Asomaton Monastery are exhibited today in the Historical Museum of Heraklion.

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